Using OpenAI API

Developer Survey

Anatomy of OpenAI’s Developer Community is an extensive analysis (with Python code) of all the issues and discussions held on OpenAI’s developer forums.

For details see


Turn off OpenAI scraping for your website with these robots.txt additions.

User-agent: GPTBot
Allow: /directory-1/
Disallow: /directory-2/

Also see How to build your own OpenAI cost calculator

Eden AI is a API for APIs that lets you pick and choose from among multiple generative, text analysis, image generation and other APIs.

ReliableGPT is a Python library that optimizes the OpenAI API.


OpenAI Examples

See Tweets from OpenAI developer relations @OfficialLoganK

Github: Chat Retrieval

a new plugin which allows uses to host their own data and make it accessible inside of ChatGPT…


simpleaichat a Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps like ChatGPT and GPT-4 with robust features and minimal code complexity.

Tracking the API

Unofficial dashboard with daily updates of the speed of OpenAI API calls:
